industrial partnership program

CAL Poly Ce/enve industrial partnership program

The Industrial Partnership Program offers opportunities to create a presence on campus and build relationships with our students, clubs, and faculty. Our program connects you to top-tier students through unique recruitment and branding opportunities. This program helps fund student projects research opportunities, instructional materials, lab renovations and department improvement projects. Our annual Partnership Program runs from September 1st to August 31st.

Our Partnership levels

Annual Sponsorship$5,000$2,000
Register by the following date to secure membershipAug. 23Sept. 23
IPP Career Fair – January 2025 
Annual Partners Dinner – January 2025 
Company Day Presentation  with on-campus Student Interviews 
Potential Student Club Presentation 
Branding Benefits
Jobs Posted to Department website
Jobs  and Events Advertised in Weekly Department Emails
Jobs advertised on Department Social Media
Access to CE/ENVE Department Office Interview Space
Social Media Spotlight
Logo in Department Office and Department Newsletter 
Alumni Article in Department Newsletter + Social Media


If you are interested in joining our platinum partnership, please contact our program coordinator at for more information.

Ready to go for gold? Click on the gold sponsorship level above. After processing your credit card payment, the program coordinator will contact you with more information about your partnership.

If you would like a formal invoice and to pay by check, please get in touch with us at

Once we confirm your participation and payment by the registration deadline, event options will be sent to all platinum partners. Gold partners will be added to all indicated branding benefits. 

Please note that in keeping with IRS regulations, the fair-market value of certain benefits is not tax deductible. The “premium” (benefits) amounts listed will be subtracted from your gift to determine the tax-deductible value and will be reflected on your gift receipt from Cal Poly University Development. To waive all benefits and receive full tax-deductible credit, please call 805-756-2131.

Contact our partnership coordinator at

Benefits Information

January 2025 | Open to Platinum Levels

We exclusively host a career fair in January 2025 for Platinum Level Industrial Partners of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. SCE and SENVE host an additional Winter Career Fair, which is not included in the Industrial Partnership Program Benefits Package, but it can still be attended by coordinating with SCE and SENVE. 

The ASCE winter career fair will also be held in January 2025. For details, please contact

The annual Partner’s Dinner is an event for Platinum Partners to be hosted in January 2025 following the IPP Career Fair. Food, drink, and a presentation by a keynote speaker will be provided in a social setting where partners can interact with CE/ENVE students, faculty, and staff.

Open to select Partner levels
Depending on your partnership level, your logo will be featured on our website, newsletter, and/or department office. Once you have signed up as a Partner, you will receive information about submitting your logo.

The department works closely with our student clubs to facilitate speaking opportunities for our Partners. Once you have signed up as a Partner, we will connect your company information to the appropriate student club leaders who, if interested, will contact you for a possible speaking engagement at one of their few meetings. There are no guarantees as some clubs have more interest than presentation opportunities.

Open only to Platinum Partners, Company Days are an all-encompassing, packaged recruiting day.

Sample Company Day Schedule:


Cal Poly Campus – Building 13


11:10 AM – 12:00 PM: Company Presentation to Students

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: Catered Lunch for Students and Representatives

1:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Student Interviews in a Reserved Conference Room

Our department will market the event, coordinate catering, collect resumes on your behalf, and will hand them over to you 2-4 days prior to the event.  

Our CE/ENVE students submit resumes to the department throughout the year that they would have shared with our partner companies. Platinum members will have these resumes presented to them before the IPP Career Fair in January, as well as access to an ever-expanding digital folder at the beginning of the academic year.

All Year Long | Advertising

Open to all select levels Our social media platforms, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, have a wide audience of students, alumnae, donors, and partners. During the school year, all CE/ENVE students receive a weekly department email with important information. These advertisements are a great opportunity to market your company, career openings, awards, or any other relevant topics. These ads can be posted at the same time or switched out throughout the year. Once you have signed up as a Partner, you will receive information about submitting your advertisements.