Tryg Lundquist
Office Hours
- B.A. in Environmental Science, University of California, Berkeley, 1989
- M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 1992
- Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 2006
Professional Registration
- Professional Engineer (PE) in Civil Engineering, California, 1997
- Wastewater Reclamation
- Water Treatment
- Water Chemistry
- Animal Waste Management
- Capstone Design Course
- Natural wastewater treatment technologies such as ponds and wetlands
- Evaluation of algae-to-biofuel processes
- San Joaquin Valley pollution issues such as:
- selenium-contaminated agricultural drainage
- animal waste
- water quality in wildlife refuges
- Physico-chemical treatment
- Oil field produced water
- Title 22 Reclamation
- Nutrient removal and recovery
- Anaerobic bioreactors
- Point-of-use and emergency water treatment devices
- Cal Poly Biodiesel Club advisor
- Member of SuRGE, a faculty group promoting the teaching and implementation of resource-conserving designs and practices at Cal Poly
- Raytheon Excellence in Teaching and Applied Research Award 2015
- Advisor to Tricia Compas, winner of the Outstanding Commitment Award, Clinton Global Initiative-University, 2008
- First place, Barron Family Award, 2007 Innovation Quest, with students Daniel Frost and Stephen Barr
- Engineering Education Fellowship, National Science Foundation, U.C. Berkeley College of Engineering, 2005-2006
- Water Environment Federation
- American Water Works Association
- William Oswald Algae Research Archive