Cevat Yaman
Office Hours
- Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Drexel University, PA, USA
- M.S in Environmental Engineering, Drexel University, PA, USA
- B.S in Environmental Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Professional Registration
- Professional Engineer (P.E.) in Michigan, Texas, New Jersey and Delaware
- Board-Certified Environmental Engineer (BCEE)
- Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM)
Dr Cevat Yaman received his master and PhD degrees from Drexel University (USA) in Environmental Engineering. He worked at MT Associates (NJ, USA), Roux Associates (NJ, USA) and RT Environmental Services (PA, USA) as an environmental engineer. Dr Yaman worked as Deputy General Manager in the Ministry of Environment, as Head of Environmental Protection Department in Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and as a faculty member at Gebze Technical University. Dr Yaman worked as a professor at Abdulrahman bin Faisal University, Environmental Engineering Department. He is currently working as a faculty member at California Polytechnic State University in the USA. His main research areas include GHG emissions and carbon footprint mitigation, remediation of contaminated sites, and waste management. Dr Yaman is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) in the states of Michigan, Delaware, Texas, and New Jersey. He is a certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM) by the Institute of Hazardous Materials Management (IHMM). He is also a Board-Certified Environmental Engineer (BCEE) by the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES).
- In-situ groundwater remediation
- Carbon Footprint, Climate Change, and Greenhouse Gas Emission mitigation.
- Waste Management
- Environmental Health and Safety
- ENVE 331: Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering
- ENVE 325: Air Quality Engineering
- ENVE 309: Noise and Vibration Control
- ENVE 436: Introduction to Hazardous Waste Management
- ENVE 443: Bioremediation Engineering
- ENVE 542: Sustainable Environmental Engineering
- ENVE 438: Water and Wastewater Treatment Design
- Member, The American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES), USA
- Member, Water Environment Federation (WEF), USA
- Member, Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals (AHMP) Cyber Chapter
26-C Yaman (2024). “A Review on the Process of Greenhouse Gas Inventory Preparation and Proposed Mitigation Measures for Reducing Carbon Footprint” Gasses, 2024, 4(1), 18-41.
25-H. Tombuloglu, C. Yaman, et al (2023). Metagenome analyses of microbial population in geotextile fabrics used in permeable reactor barriers for toluene biodegradation. 3 Biotech, 13, 40
24-C. Yaman, I. Anil, O. Alagha, N. Blaisi, A. B. Yaman, A. Qureshi, E. Cevik, S. Rehman, S. T. Gunday, M. Barghouthi (2021). “Toluene Bioremediation by Using Geotextile-Layered Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRBs)”. Processes, 9, 906.
23-C. Yaman (2020). “Investigation of greenhouse gas emissions and energy recovery potential from municipal solid waste management practices.” Environmental Development. 33, 100484.
22-C. Yaman, I. Anil, O. Alagha (2020). “Potential for greenhouse gas reduction and energy recovery from MSW through different waste management technologies.” Journal of Cleaner Production, 264, 121432.
21-C. Yaman (2020). Monitoring of biochemical parameters and GHG emissions in Bioaugmented manure composting. Processes, 8, (681).
20-C. Yaman (2020). “Performance and kinetics of bioaugmentation, biostimulation and natural attenuation processes for bioremediation of crude oil-contaminated soils.” Processes, 8(8), 883.
19-C. Yaman (2020). “Application of sterilization process for inactivation of Bacillus stearothermophilus in biomedical waste and associated greenhouse gas emissions.” Applied Sciences, 10(15), 5056.
18-S. S. Shar, E. Cevik, A. Bozkurt, C. Yaman, Z. Almutari, T. S. Kayed (2020). “Molybdate incorporated poly(acrylic acid) electrolytes for use in quasi-solid state carbon based supercapacitors: Redox-active polychelates.” Electrochimica Acta, Volume 354, 10, 136770.
17-C. Yaman (2019). “Improvement of leachate quality and waste stabilization in pilot-scale bioreactor landfills containing geotextile filters and sewage sludge.” Desalination and Water Treatment. 158, 41-58.
16-C. Yaman, I. Anil, M. K. Jaunich, N. I. Blaisi, O. Alagha, A. B. Yaman, S. T. Gunday (2019). “Investigation and modeling of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from waste collection and transport activities.” Waste Management and Research. Volume: 37, Issue: 12, pp. 1282-1290.
15-S. Rehman, M. A. Almessiere, N. Tashkandi, A. Baykal, Y. Slimani, R. Jermy, V. Ravinayagam, C. Yaman. (2019). “Fabrication of Spinel Cobalt Ferrite (CoFe2O4) Nanoparticles with Unique Earth Element Cerium and Neodymium for Anticandidal Activities.” Chemistry Select, 4, 14329-14334.
14-N. E. Korkut, C. Yaman, Y. Küçükağa, İ. Demir, and M. K. Jaunich (2018). “Greenhouse Gas Contribution of Municipal Solid Waste Collection: A Case Study in the City of Istanbul, Turkey,” Waste Management and Research. Vol 36, Issue 2, pp. 131-139.
13-C. Yaman, Y. Küçükağa, G. Delice, B. Pala, A. Akyol, S. Kara and N. E. Korkut (2018). “Enhancement of Landfill Gas Production and Waste Stabilization by Using Geotextile Filter in a Landfill Bioreactor,” International Journal of Global Warming. Vol 17 Issue 1, pp.1 – 22.
12-C. Yaman and Y. Küçükağa (2017). “Effect of a Geotextile Filter on Leachate Quality in a Recirculated Landfill Bioreactor.” Desalination and Water Treatment, Vol. 80, pp. 61-73.
11-C. Yaman, H.K. Özcan, G. Demir, H. E. Ökten, Ş. Yıldız, A. Çoban, and V. Balahorli, (2012) “Landfill Leachate Treatment: A Case Study for Istanbul City,” CLEAN-Soil, Air, Water, pp. 1-7.
10-Ş. Yıldız, C. Yaman, G. Demir, H.K. Özcan, A. Çoban, H. E. Ökten, K. Sezer, and S. Gören, (2012) “Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste in Istanbul, Turkey,” Environmental Progress; Sustainable Energy, Volume 32, Issue 3, pp. 734-739.
9-C. Yaman, (2012) “Costs Pertaining to the Collection, Transportation and Disposal of Domestic Solid Wastes and General City Cleaning in the City of İstanbul,” Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Vol. 21, No 4, pp. 908-917.
8-A. Çoban, G. Demir, H. E. Ökten, H. K. Özcan, C. Yaman, and Ş. Yıldız (2012) “Advanced Treatment of Leachate by Using Aerobic/Anoxic MBR System Followed by A Nanofiltration Process. A Case Study in Istanbul Kömürcüoda Leachate Treatment Plant,” Environment Protection Engineering, Vol. 38, No 3, pp. 57-64.
7-S. Gören, G. Demir, C. Yaman, and A. Yıldız, (2011), “Medical Waste Management by Geographical Region in Turkey,” Journal of Residuals Science Technology, Vol.8, No.3, pp. 109-115.
6-C. Yaman, F. Karaca, E. N. Korkut, J. P. Martin, and Ö. Çınar, (2010), “Selection of Optimum Operational Conditions for the Treatment Performance of Geotextile Biofilters using Artificial Neural Networks,” Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Vol. 19, No 11, pp. 2587-2596.
5-H. Hasar, S. Ünsal, U. İpek, S. Karataş, Ö. Çınar, C. Yaman, and C. Kınacı, (2009), “Stripping/Flocculation/Membrane Bioreactor/Reverse Osmosis Treatment of Municipal Landfill Leachate,” Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 171, pp. 309-317.
4-Ö. Çınar, K. Demiröz, G. Kanat, Y. Uysal, and C. Yaman, (2009), “The Effect of Oxygen on Anaerobic Color Removal of Azo Dye in a Sequencing Batch Reactor,” CLEAN- Air, Soil, Water, Vol. 37, No. 8, pp. 657-662.
3-Korkut, E. N., Martin, J. P., and C. Yaman, (2006), “Wastewater Treatment with Biomass Attached to Porous Geotextile Baffles,” Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 132, Issue 2, pp. 284-288.
2-C. Yaman, J. P. Martin, and E. N. Korkut, (2006), “Effects of Wastewater Filtration on Geotextile Permeability,” Geosynthetics International, No 3, Vol. 13, pp. 87-97.
1-C. Yaman, J. P. Martin, and E. N. Korkut, (2005), “Use of Layered Geotextiles to Provide a Substrate for Biomass Development in Treatment of Septic Tank Effluent Prior to Ground Infiltration,” Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 131, Issue 12, pp. 1667-1675.
30-C. Yaman, I. Anil, O. Aga, A. B. Yaman and A. Qureshi (2021). Bioremediation of toluene by bioaugmentation, biostimulation and natural attenuation. E3S Web of Conferences ICSF 2021, 280, 11014, 19-21 May 2021. Ukraine.
29-C. Yaman and Y. Kucukaga (2020). Performance of NiO/YSZ anode-supported solid oxide fuel cell fueled with landfill gas stream. E3S Web of Conferences ICSF 2020 166, 04007 (2020), 20-22 May 2020. Ukraine.
28-C. Yaman and A.B. Yaman (2020). “Greenhouse gas emissions resulting from medical waste collection and transport.” 5th International Conference of Chemical Engineering & Industrial Biotechnology (ICCEIB), 9-11 August 2020, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
27-C. Yaman and A.B. Yaman (2020). “Projection of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Waste Sector,” International Conference on Innovative Applied Energy (IAPE’20), 15-16 Sept 2020, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
26-C. Yaman (2019). “Accelerated composting of cattle manure by using special bacteria and enzyme mixture,” International Conferences on Engineering and Natural Science (ICENS), 12-16 June 2019, Prague, Czech Republic.
25-C. Yaman (2019). “Designing Dry Fermentation Process to Generate 1 MW Electricity by Using Organic Waste-A Theoretical Study for Dammam, Saudi Arabia,” International Conferences on Engineering and Natural Science (ICENS), 6-7 August 2019, Pattaya, Thailand.
24-C. Yaman, Y. Küçükağa, G. Delice, B. Pala. “Improving Leachate Quality and Landfill Gas Production in Pilot Scale Landfill Bioreactors Containing Sewage Sludge and Geotextile Biofilters,” WEFTEC 2018, New Orleans, LA USA.
23-C. Yaman, I. Anil, O. Aga. “Sustainable approaches for alternative clean energy in KSA,” Clean Energy & Sustainability Forum, Saudi Electric Company, 2018, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
22-Y. Küçükağa, C. Yaman, B. Pala, G. Delice (2017). “Using Geotextile Filter as Biofilm Media in Anaerobic Landfill Bioreactor,” 5th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management (ATHENS 2017), Athens, Greece.
21-C. Yaman, G. Delice, B. Pala, Y. Küçükağa, S. Kara, A. Akyol. “Landfill Gas Production in Landfill Bioreactors Containing Municipal Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge,” 3rd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ICOEST) 2017, Budapest, Hungary.
20-C. Yaman, G. Delice, B. Pala, Y. Küçükağa, S. Kara, A. Akyol. “Variation of Leachate Quality in Pilot Scale Landfill Bioreactors Containing Municipal Solid Waste and Sewage,” 3rd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ICOEST) 2017, Budapest, Hungary.
19-T. Y. Nayır, S. Kara, A. Akyol, C. Yaman. “Electrooxidation of industrial and domestic wastewaters by various electrodes,” 3rd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ICOEST) 2017, Budapest, Hungary.
18-C. Yaman, Küçükağa Y., Pala B., Delice G. (2016). “Operating Landfills as Bioreactor by Recirculating Leachate,” Conference: EurAsia 2016 Waste Management Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey.
17-Küçükağa Y., C. Yaman, Delice G., Pala B. (2016). “Operational Start-Up of Lab-Scale Anaerobic Landfill Bioreactor,” Conference: International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science (ICENS 2016), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
16-C. Yaman, Y. Küçükağa, A. Akyol, S. Kara (2016). “Biogas Efficiency, Leachate Quality and Waste Stabilization in Anaerobic Landfill Bioreactors,” International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ICOEST 2016), Belgrade, Serbia.
15-A. Akyol, A. Karaoğlu, S. Kara, C. Yaman (2016). “Effect of the Anode Electrode on Paracetamol Removal in the Electrooxidation-Ultrasound Hybrid Process,” International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ICOEST 2016), Belgrade, Serbia.
14-S. Kara, T. Yılmaz Nayır, A. Akyol, C. Yaman (2016). “Electrooxidation of Pretreated Transport Container Washing Wastewater,” International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ICOEST 2016), Belgrade, Serbia.
13-G. Delice, B. Pala, Y. Küçükağa, C. Yaman (2016). “Pilot Scale Anaerobic Landfill Bioreactor Operation,” (Poster presentation), International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD 2016), Skopje, Macedonia.
12-K. Kaya, C. Yaman, and Ş. Yıldız (2014). “Waste to Energy Solution for İstanbul’s Solid Waste Management,” Eurasia Waste Management Symposium, İstanbul, April 2014, pp 1-9 Istanbul, Turkey.
11-C. Yaman, Ş. Yıldız, O. Sevimoğlu, H. Çinal, V. Balahorli, F. Hoşoğlu, and E. Tezcan (2013). “Researching of Pollution Level of Golden Horn- Istanbul 2012,” Istanbul International Solid Waste, Water and Wastewater Congress, Haliç Congress Center, May 2013, pp. 698-707 Istanbul, Turkey.
10-C. Yaman, O. Sevimoğlu, Ş. Yıldız, and K. Kaya (2013). “Necessity of Waste Incineration and Power Plants in Istanbul Solid Waste Management,” Istanbul International Solid Waste, Water and Wastewater Congress, Haliç Congress Center, May 2013, pp. 397-405 Istanbul, Turkey.
9-C. Yaman, T. Eroğlu, İ. Öktem, and B. Taşkınoğlu (2013). “Medical Waste Management- Medical Waste Disposal in Istanbul,” “Istanbul International Solid Waste, Water and Wastewater Congress, Haliç Congress Center, May 2013, pp. 286-296 Istanbul, Turkey.
8-C. Yaman, T. Eroğlu, İ. Öktem, B. Taşkınoğlu, E. Fakihoğlu, and Y. Işık (2013). “Solid Waste Management- Legal Status and Istanbul Model,” Istanbul International Solid Waste, Water and Wastewater Congress, Haliç Congress Center, May 2013, pp. 141-152 Istanbul, Turkey.
7-C. Yaman, A. Günay, and Y. Bayer (2011). “The Business Economics of the Composting Process in the Removal of Waste; As the Sample Istanbul Recycle and Composting Plant,” Eurasia Waste Management Symposium, November 2011, pp. 1-6 Istanbul, Turkey.
6-C. Yaman, B. Taşkınoğlu, Y. Işık, E. Fakihoğlu, and I. Tanuğur (2011). “Waste Reception from Ships, Treatment and Recovery of the Wastes: İstanbul Model,” Eurasia Waste Management Symposium, İstanbul, November 2011, pp. 1-10 Istanbul, Turkey.
5-C. Yaman (2007). “Proposed Design Criteria for Geotextile Biofilters,” Geosynthetics 2007, IFAI, Washington, D.C. USA.
4-Korkut, E., C. Yaman, Martin, J. P. (2005). “Treatment of Run-Off Using the Geotextile Baffle Contact System,” North American Geosynthetics Society (NAGS)/GRI 19, Las Vegas, NV USA.
3-C. Yaman, Martin, J. P., Korkut, E. (2005). “Geotextiles as Biofilters for Wastewater Treatment,” North American Geosynthetics Society (NAGS)/GRI 19, Las Vegas, NV USA.
2-C. Yaman, Marino, R., and Korkut, E. (2003). “Groundwater Recharge of Urban Runoff after Biological Treatment in Geotextile Filters,” Proceedings of the 2003 PA Stormwater Management Symposium held at Villanova University, Villanova, PA USA.
1-Korkut, E., C. Yaman, and Marino, R. (2003). “Treatment of Combined Sewer Overflows Using the Geotextile Baffle Contact Method,” Proceedings of the 2003 PA Stormwater Management Symposium.
1- US Patent US20220347729A1. Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB) for in-situ groundwater bioremediation.
2- US Patent 18/362,345. Septic water treatment method for removing carbonaceous and nitrogenous compounds.
3- US Patent 11,767,243. Method for water treatment and recycling.
4- US Patent 11,396,464. Residential water treatment and recycle system.
5- US Patent US-2021-0070640-A1. Multi-Layer Geotextile-Plastic Particle Water Treatment.
6- US Patent US-2021-0139358-A1. Residential water treatment and recycle system.
7- US Patent App. 18/601,115. Water retention and aeration treatment method for contaminated water