At Cal Poly’s Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, we are dedicated to supporting our students in launching successful engineering careers, whether they are preparing for graduation this June or planning a summer internship. We continually update our career resources and employer connections to align with your aspirations. Additionally, our student clubs and department are proud to host two career fairs each year, offering you invaluable opportunities to connect directly with employers and advance your career trajectory well before graduation.

Upcoming recruiting events

Website Icons (9)

Company Days offer Cal Poly Civil and Environmental Engineering students a unique opportunity to connect directly with our Platinum Partners as part of our Industrial Partnership Program. During these Company Day Presentations and events, you’ll gain insights into potential career paths, receive a behind-the-scenes look into company projects, network with hiring professionals, and have the chance to share your resume—paving the way to your next job or internship.

Civil and Environmental Engineering Careers and Internships

Our department advertises full-time and internship opportunities to current students and alumni in the Cal Poly Civil and Environmental Engineering community. To have your open position listed on this page, please complete the following form. For any questions, contact

open positions from our industry partners

Opportunities posted here are shared directly by our Corporate Partners as part of the Industrial Partnership Program to recruit our students. Feel free to apply as directed by the links.

Position Intern/Perm Company Specialty Location Deadline to Apply Date Posted
Associate Engineer Perm Commercial Development Resources Civil Costa Mesa, CA 5/20/25 3/03/25

additional open positions


Civil Engineering Internship 2025 – Office or ConstructionInternU.S Department of Transportation – Federal HighwayAnyLakewood, CO1/31/253/22/24
Central Federal Lands – Internships – Multiple Openings, Civil, Construction, TransportationTempFHWA Central Federal Lands Highway DivisionAnyLakewood, CO1/31/2510/16/24
Project EngineerPermClark PacificAnyOntario, Sacramento, Woodland, Adelanto, CA06/30/2511/5/24
Commercial RE Engineering/Development InternTempCBRE Investment ManagementConstruction, CivilLos Angeles, CA01/31/251/27/25
Engineering Tech/EIT 1PermAGPROfessionalsAnyGreeley, CO03/30/251/27/25
Intern Water QualityTempContra Water DistrictWaterConcord, CA02/10/252/03/25
Intern Construction EngineeringTempContra Water DistrictConstruction, CivilConcord, CA02/10/252/03/25
Intern: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ProgramTempContra Water DistrictAnyConcord, CA02/10/252/03/25
Administrative Support Specialist/InternTempHigh Sierra EnergyAnyRemote03/10/252/03/25
Entry Level EngineerPermProactive Engineering ConsultantsAnyFoothill Ranch, Corona, CA03/10/252/04/25
Water Resources Engineer/ScientistPermDavids Engineering, Inc.WaterChico, Davis, Oakdale, CA04/10/252/10/25
Summer Intern – Engineer/HrydrolicsTempDavids Engineering, Inc.WaterChico, Davis, Oakdale, CA04/10/252/10/25
Environmental Engineer / Geologist / Environmental ScientistPermEKI Environment and WaterEnvironmental EngineeringDaly City, CA03/01/252/11/25
APCD Student InternTempAPCD Engineering, SLO CountyEnvironmental EngineeringSan Luis Obispo, CA02/19/252/11/25
Student Worker Openings – LACSDTempLos Angeles County Sanitation DistrictEnvironmental EngineeringLos Angeles, CAVaries2/20/25
Career Openings – LACSDPermLos Angeles County Sanitation DistrictEnvironmental EngineeringLos Angeles, CAVaries2/20/25
Multiple InternshipsTempSan Mateo County Transportation AuthorityAnySan Mateo, CA4/20/253/18/25

CE/ENVE Department Jobs

If interested in a position listed below, please connect directly with the faculty member. If approved, the faculty member will initiate the hiring process. More information regarding the detailed hiring process, your rights as an ISA (Instruction Student Assistant), and the bargaining unit contract person can be found in the Cal Poly Student Employment Handbook. Job descriptions and minimum qualifications are listed for each of the positions posted.

The Instructional Student Assistant (grader) pay rate is $17.86 per hour.

Qualified students must be eligible to work in the U.S., be in good academic standing, meet the minimum qualifications, and be at least a half-time student. Exceptions to the minimum eligibility qualifications may be granted at the sole discretion of the University.

While there is no official deadline for grader positions, these decisions are typically made within two weeks of the start of the quarter. The sooner you connect with the faculty, the better.

Please address any questions you have about the process to

At California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, we believe that cultivating an environment that embraces and promotes diversity is fundamental to the success of our students, our employees and our community. Bringing people together from different backgrounds, experiences and value systems fosters the innovative and creative thinking that exemplifies Cal Poly’s values of free inquiry, cultural and intellectual diversity, mutual respect, civic engagement, and social and environmental responsibility. Cal Poly’s commitment to diversity informs our efforts in recruitment, hiring and retention. California Polytechnic State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.

CE/ENVE Department Research Jobs

Research opportunities for students to work side by side with department faculty on projects that make a difference. Please connect directly with the faculty member to express interest.

UndergraduateSanta Rosa Creek Foundation Summer Research ProgramCivil EngineeringDr. Stefan Talke
  • These internships are available to develop, build, test, and deploy low-cost water-level sensors in the coastal ocean. The students will be paid $3500 for the summer and will be apart of the scientific research process.
UndergraduateMineta Transportation Institute grant for Nanomaterial AdditivesCivil Engineering

Dr. El Badawy,

Dr. Rahim

  • Dr. El Badawy and Dr. Rahim received a grant from Mineta Transportation Institute to develop nanomaterial additives to reduce moisture damage in hot mix asphalt. The student will carry out project tasks.
  • 1 year project that will start in May/June 2021.
GraduateMineta Transportation Institute grant for Nanomaterial AdditivesCivil Engineering

Dr. El Badawy,

Dr. Rahim

  • Dr. El Badawy and Dr. Rahim received a grant from Mineta Transportation Institute to develop nanomaterial additives to reduce moisture damage in hot mix asphalt. The student will carry out project tasks.
  • 1 year project that will start in May/June 2021.
UndergraduateCorrosion ResearchanyDr. Long Wang
  • Designed experimental procedures to investigate corrosion damage development and have used machine learning techniques to automate damage detection based on images.